Monday, January 4, 2010

Ending 2009

The last week of 2009 was a good week at our house. I only had to work about a day and half total which meant I got to spend a lot of time with my boys. We decided to stay in on New Year's Eve so we ordered dinner from the Olive Garden and watched The Hangover (after the boys were in bed of course), which is just as funny, if not funnier the second time around. I saw New York ring in the new year and then fell asleep. I guess that's what having two kids does to you :)

Where else would we rather be than with these two? Nice expression Eli...

Then on New Year's Day after I got all the Christmas decorations put away Allison and I decided to take the boys to the Children's Museum in St. Paul. Thought it would be a fun thing to do with the boys before Baby T. arrives anytime here. That place is too much fun. The boys (Eli and Jack) had such a riot - it was just one fun thing after another for them and they were completely exhausted on the way home. Colin just enjoyed the view from his stroller. Here are a few pics from the big outing.

Cooking it up in the kitchen Grocery cart races!!

Oh great - they found the water! Of course we found our way to the music, instruments AND a stage?!

The end - too tired to stand up and acting completely silly

We picked up carry-out from Red Savoy on our way home and our day was complete. Yum-Yum!

Otherwise, it was a week of progress at our house for both Colin and Elijah.

Colin is getting noticeably stronger and is doing SO much better at sitting up and seems to be really enjoying the new view of the world instead of being on his back all the time. Here he is showing off his skills in his special t-shirt from his Godfather :)

And...Elijah is officially without his paci. After all that wondering about how we were EVER going to get that thing away from him - he took care of it himself. He somehow bit a hole in it and from then on couldn't suck on it very well and pretty much just got sick of it. We still have the "ducky's" though -I'm sure those will be around for a while!

What a great year 2009 was. Can't wait to see what 2010 brings -especially all these babies that we're going to get to meet and Kayla & Bobby's wedding!