Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Post?!?

I know...2 posts in one day when I haven't had one in weeks. I just had a few more things I wanted to add and the Easter one was getting to long.

What else has been going on in our world?
We replaced the pathfinder with a 2007 Nissan Altima. It's kind of fun to have a car again! Eli is obsessed with it (well he's just obsessed with cars, trucks, buses, semis, motorcycles - really anything that has a motor), but he loves to tell everyone about "Daddy's" new car.

We've been able to have a lot of outside time. It's been such a beautiful spring. Eli mostly rides his tractor around, but takes breaks sometimes to push Colin around in his walker. Since Colin doesn't like to move it around himself - he usually enjoys the rides.

Last weekend we made a trip to Iowa for Cal and Michelle Trumm's wedding. It was a great day! Here are a few pics from the celebration (I apologize - I'm not the best at taking pictures)

Mr & Mrs. Trumm

Me and my boys (minus one)

Typical goofy face

Eli & Zoey

Eli & Aunty Kayla (hope he has this much fun at her wedding!)

Just because I loved the baby blues

Colin all tuckered out after all that dancing - Bobby's got the touch ;)

And perhaps my favorite picture of the night - Father of the Groom/Best Man dancing the night away. Love it!

Congrats to Cal and Michelle. Thanks for letting us help you celebrate!

A recent Eli story - because I don't want to forget this one. So...we all now what a "busy" child he is (busy being an understatement). Well kids as busy and rough as Eli get a lot of time outs. Perhaps he's had too many recently b/c I was recently changing Colin's diaper (pretty routine stuff around here) and Eli walks up to me with his Elmo and swings him at my leg. Pretty soon I hear this, "Elmo, you don't hit mommy! You need a TIME OUT! sit in the chair" a few seconds later "ELMO SIT!!" (like he was actually getting up). BTW - the "chair" is where Eli gets his very own time outs.

Oh and another one (I really need to write all of them down!). Me - "Good morning Eli", Eli - "Morning mommy", Me - "Eli what happened to your eye?" (he had a new cut on his eyelid and it was a little swollen), Eli- "it hurts", Me - "I know it hurts, what happened?", Eli - "Daddy hit me". Not good.......please don't say that at daycare (by the way - that is NOT what happened) - perhaps is the HUGE tractor and firetruck that he feels the need to sleep with everynight!

Lastly, after quite few months of searching, I finally got a new job. My Deloitte days will soon be behind me and now I'm on to Capella University. So excited for the new opportunity!

Ok - enough rambling (if anyone is actually still reading). We have a busy weekend ahead - our baby is 1 tomorrow and Kayla's bachelorette in Chicago on Saturday. Should have lots of pics to post!!! Stay tuned - maybe they'll be up next month.


Now that Easter was almost 3 weeks ago I thought I'd FINALLY post some pics.
We spent Easter with the Tetzlaff clan. It was a gorgeous day and the easter egg hunt was a HUGE success (notice Eli's full basket). The eggs kept falling out as he was trying to pick more up.

Colin just took it all in and hoped that someone would bring him some eggs.

Eli and Jack got quite a bit of yard work done too with the new garden tools.

After some wonderful food and some rest we spent some quality time at the park. Eli is getting around the playground pretty well this year and Colin was LOVIN the swing.

Check out Colin's big smiles in the swing!