Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bye Bye Pathfinder

After talking about it for about 3+ years, we finally said goodbye to our 1998 Nissan Pathfinder otherwise known at our house as 'Daddy's car'. A little bittersweet - as Travis said his life changed pretty significantly while owning that car. He bought it a few days before he moved up here to Minneapolis. He went from being right out of college and broke to 5 years later being a married man with two kids and a house. Crazy how much your life can change in 5 years.

On to the next vehicle. What will it be?!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another month....

So I know that I am long overdue for this update as it’s been over a month. Here are some of the highlights of our February and first part of March –

(1) Sunday trip to the zoo with the Tetzlaff clan. Of course Eli and Jack HAD to find the water. They seem to find it wherever they go.
Colin and Lauren were SO much easier – they just hung out in their strollers. They’ll be in the water soon enough!

(2) Welcome Cole William McCarthy on February 19th. He was long awaited by the McCarthy family and all their family and friends. He is absolutely precious and we are so glad that he is here. Unfortunately he is already causing his parents more grief than they deserve – but he is quite the little fighter and it going to be one tough cookie. Kristie- I stole a pic from Facebook of the little guy b/c I HAD to have a picture of the newest addition on the blog and I didn’t get one when I was at your house! Isn't he sweet :)

(3) Saturday evening trip to Chuckie Cheese. So MUCH fun! Eli loved all the rides and Colin enjoyed watching all the activity. Here are a few pics of “Yucky cheese” as Eli thinks its called…

Colin - oh so tired, but riding the merry go round anyway.

(4) We made a long awaited trip to Iowa for a weekend so that we could meet baby Cole (see #2), see family and friends, and help Dad (Grandpa Mark) celebrate his birthday. Travis and I hadn’t been there since Christmas (which is a long time for us) so it was great to get back.

Eli and Maria got to play for a couple hours and had a LOT of fun. This is what we found them doing in Maria’s room….a couple of little monkeys.

We made a visit to play with Zoey too, but unfortunately the boys were both starting to get sick so it wasn’t quite as crazy. Eli and Zoey still had fun playing the my mommy, my mommy game….

(5) On March 14th we FINALLY got to play outside! Yay! Eli finally knows how to drive the tractor grandma and grandpa gave him ALL by himself. He needs to work on the steering still, but it’s progress from last year. I’m picturing Colin to be riding in the wagon by the end of the summer (could be scary!). The boys were thrilled to be outside and of course we had a tantrum when it was time to go inside and eat dinner. Love the warm weather!

I think that’s the longest Colin has sat without wanting to be held for a LONG time (We hope spring is here to stay!)

(6) Thought for the day – This morning I was in major need of some caffeine so I treated myself to some Caribou Coffee on my way to work (my fav). They started this new thing where when you’re in the store you can write down thoughts and “what you stay awake for” and then they put them on their cups. One of the ones on my cup today was “Spend time with your kids, tomorrow they’re a day older”. I thought that was a good one so I decided after work all I was going to do was make a quick dinner and then play with my kids. Well turns out they both had grumble soup for lunch – that combined with going to bed to late last night = NOT fun playtime. They got baths and were in bed around 7:30. I still spent time with them I guess – just that somedays that time is more enjoyable than others. Maybe tomorrow night will go better?