Saturday, July 31, 2010

As July Ends

As July 2010 ends, I keep thinking about how on July 1 (and July 12 for that matter) our life was the same, but yet so much different than it is on July 31. July 13, 2010 will be a day that our family will remember, the day that we found out that "Our Colin's" future, and our future is going to be so much different than what we would ever have imagined; the day that we received the diagnosis of SMA. These past couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions, uncertainties, worries, hope, faith, love and so many things that can't be put into words. I say that our life is the same, because erase this news, and nothing in our life has changed. We have the same blessed life - our daily life is the same, Colin is the same, and so far his brother isn't cutting him any slack (big surprise ;). But, we now have a new weight on our shoulders. Over these past couple of weeks, two well known quotes keep popping into my head, "Ignorance is bliss" and "Knowledge is power". Before we found out that Colin has this disease, we were completely ignorant to what lie ahead for us, we thought that eventually he would figure it out, start moving and before we knew it would catch up to his brother and be running around like crazy. While I was a little worried about him, I didn't really think that anything was seriously wrong with him. In that respect, ignorance was bliss and we didn't have the worries that we do now. Part of me wishes we could go back to that; unfortunately, that would not change anything. we move on to "knowledge is power". The best thing that we can do now for Colin (aside from loving him to pieces like we already do) and our family is to obtain knowledge; knowledge about the disease, the best doctors and resources to care for him, the best way for our family to adapt to what we were given, how we can become active in fighting for a cure that will help our sweet little boy and so many other children and families that we are learning about. So many things to think about and figure out. We will be seeing some specialists next week and will hopefully walk away from these appointments a lot more knowledgable about what is ahead for us and more confident in our care for him. Anyone reading this, THANK YOU for any thoughts or prayers you have been sending our way. Whether you have actually told us or not, we can feel it and it means so much to us.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekend of Visitors

While Travis spent the weekend in Colorado with Danny and Willie, the boys and I had some visitors which was SO much fun. Friday night Kristie and Maria came to town. We got pizza and played in the slip 'n' slide. On Saturday we did a little shopping and they headed home. It was so much fun having them here. Of course I couldn't find my camera, but I did get a little video.

Saturday afternoon auntie Kayla came to town. We ran some errands and went to the park on Saturday evening. Then Sunday was pool day!! It was so nice having her here - kind of like old times :)

LOVE, LOVE this picture!

Thank you for coming to visit us :)

4th of July

We spent the 4th in the Wisconsin Northwoods with the Tetzlaffs. It was a weekend filled with some time on the boat, a parade, a little playing in the rain, a LOT of great food and great company.
The most memorable float - a car made completely out of wood -
Eli pushing Colin around town...let's just say it took us a while to get anywhere!
A rainy 4th of July - but the boys still had a blast.