Saturday, February 19, 2011


Since receiving numerous farm toys for Christmas, our boys are VERY into farming.  Farm toys have now become the MOST played with toys in our household (and that includes farm puzzles for Colin!).  They must be tuning into their surroundings with life here in Iowa - no longer city slickers?!
Colin sleeps with his farm animals at ALL times - they are ALMOST as special as puppy these days.

Eli spends a lot of time on the floor playing with his tractors and setting up his barns.

Eli also spent an afternoon with Grandpa Mark "farmering".  After just one afternoon he reminds me regularly that he is "just a workin-boy" and/or a "farmboy" (words straight from his mouth).  Needless to say, he had a GREAT afternoon with Grandpa.  The only downfall...his snow boots smelled like pig poop for school the next day - poor Miss Lisa!  After he had so much fun with Grandpa Mark, he was spoiled by Grandma Cathy and is now the proud new owner of his new "workin' coat" and "workin' pants" (i.e., carhartts) - oh and he got some new boots too!  He's all set for another day with Grandpa Mark - or really whoever will take him!