Saturday, February 6, 2010

January what?!

I realize that it is now February 6th and I have not had an update in over a month. Where did January go!?! Well...I would say it went to work as it is that time of favorite time of year. NOT! Busy season is in full swing and Travis is equally as busy so the whole month was kind of a blur. Below are the "highlights" of our January.

1) Lauren Kathryn Tetzlaff was born on the 12th. She is a perfect little baby girl and we are so happy that she is here. It's gonna be fun having a little girl around here with all these boys ;) Congrats to the Tetzlaffs!

Eli really likes to hold her. He seems to be a little more gentle with her than he was when Colin was born - well...he is still really rough with Colin so who knows what's gotten into him with her

2) Grandpa Scott and Grandma Jayne came to visit with some friends for the Vikings vs. Cowboys game. We went to Champps to cheer on the Vikes! (minus Chuck) Eli was really into it actually - it was fun. Unfortunately we won't be cheering them on tomorrow in the Super Bowl

3) The boys got to spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa's. Travis and I really missed the boys but did enjoy a weekend of without responsibilities. We went out for two nice dinners and decided that in my in fact actually be cheaper to have kids! The boys had fun, but unfortuneately both of them ended up getting sick so they weren't quite themselves. Mom (Grandma Cathy) got a flashback to what it was like to have little ones and had to get up in the middle of the night a couple of times - it reaffirmed to her why you should have kids when your young! Even though they weren't feeling the greatest they still got to go visit Aunt Kayla in Iowa City for a day. She spoiled them of course. Eli got to do a Build-A-Bear and go to the Children's Museum. He LOVES his new teddy bear. Teddy Bear has been added to the "stuff" that Eli HAS to have in his bed when he sleeps and I would say that Teddy Bear (yes - so far that is his name) is a second to the beloved "ducky". We even have to take his shoes off every night because nobody can sleep with tennis shoes on (even stuffed animals!) :) Thank you Aunt Kayla!

4) After the week in Iowa Mom and Dad brought the boys home and spent the weekend. The boys seemed glad to be home and I think Grandma Cathy was equally glad to bring them home (see #3). It was great having them here and we (especially Eli) were sad to see them go home.

5) Eli and I found some time to play outside last weekend in all the snow. He's not quite sure about the sled (such a wimp sometimes)....

But he found his tractor in the garage and wanted to ride it in the worst way and he wanted to paly with his basketball hoop. I think we're ready for spring for SO many reasons.

After writing this I realize that I have no pictures of Colin in here. Sorry Colin....we think you're adorable and we love you. I'll do better next time.