Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Colin's (soon to be) new wheels

Today Colin got to "test drive" a couple wheelchairs.  It will be ordered in the next week or two and we will hopefully have his very own chair in less than 2 months.  If you would've told me last summer that I would be this excited that my son is getting a wheelchair I would've thought you were crazy, but time does heal and we are ecstatic for this - our son will finally get to "walk".  This morning was so much fun.  He was so happy and once he figures out that this will be his indepedence he will be even happier.  How perfect that one of his favorite things to do is "go fast"

This is what it will look like (even the yellow) - it is so tiny and adorable.  But deceivingly heavy!

And here is a little clip of him driving - this was his first time in this chair (he spent a lot of time in a different model) and he found the horn right away - I think we might have to shut that off somehow!.


  1. Thank you so much for the video - made my night! I love him and his new wheels :)

  2. thank you for sharing. I couldn't be happier for Colin.
